Friday, March 9, 2007

Day 4... Nintendo Keynote

Well nothing could top the happenings from last night. I was really upset with myself, because I sooo wanted Miyamoto to sign my 1st copy Super Mario Bros/Duckhunt NES cartridge. But noooooooo I forgot it in my hotel! Grrrrrrrrr! But hey I guess the picture is worth more.

A quick re-cap of today's keynote.

No super huge announcements.

Mario Galaxy shipping later this year.

New type of Mii channel to arrive or in development still.
Will allow Mii's to compete in fashion shows and other similar stuff.
Main focus about the conference was to explain Mr. Miyamoto's philosophy and ideas creation towards video games and how they’ve evolved. I thought it was an interesting speech, but was hoping for some more new release stuff.

Overall it was great, and met some more cool people.

Going to have to cut this short, because I need my rest!

Will go into more detail soon.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You were expecting the keynote speech to be a PR event for Nintendo? For shame!

Remember the cartridge this time!